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Tips for Creating a Memorable Presentation

Introduction to Developing a Presentation

If you've been tasked with creating a presentation from scratch, it can feel daunting. This video offers tips on making your presentation memorable and informative.

Understanding Key Elements

Before you start, consider:

  • Time: Determine how much time you have to structure your presentation.
  • Audience: Understand your audience's knowledge level and expectations.
  • Aims and Outcomes: Clarify the purpose of your presentation and what you want your audience to take away.

Using a Teaching and Learning Plan

Develop your presentation using a session plan:

  • Session Plan: Includes session time, aims, and learning outcomes.
  • Example: Download a Sample Session Plan for Presentation Skills Training.
  • Learning Outcomes: Focus on what your audience will achieve or understand.

Planning Around Learning Outcomes

Structure your presentation around the defined learning outcomes:

  • Break down each outcome to ensure clarity and retention.
  • Focus on core information without overwhelming your audience.
  • Encourage participation through activities or interactive elements.

Engaging Your Audience

While eLearning limits direct interaction, consider:

  • Using quizzes or small tests after each video segment.
  • In face-to-face sessions, incorporate questions, answers, and activities to enhance engagement.


Effective planning ensures your presentation delivers its intended message:

  • Stay focused on your goals to guide the presentation's direction.
  • Plan carefully to avoid veering off track during delivery.

Remember, a well-planned presentation helps you achieve your objectives effectively.