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Effective Feedback and CPD

The Importance of Feedback

Feedback is crucial for reassuring, boosting confidence, and motivating your group:

  • Constructive and Motivational: Ensure feedback is constructive and serves as motivation.
  • Two-way Process: Allow for discussion to clarify points and encourage progress.
  • Praise Sandwich: Start with positives, address areas for improvement, end positively to maintain motivation.
  • ‘Motivational’ and ‘Developmental’: Feedback serves to recognise achievements and promote growth.

Giving Effective Feedback

Follow these principles when giving feedback:

  • Intention and Consideration: Ensure feedback is well-intended and carefully delivered.
  • Clarity and Consistency: Be clear with examples and consistent in your message.
  • Use Feeling Words: Use words like 'appreciate' rather than judgmental terms like 'good' or 'bad'.
  • Request Feedback: Seek feedback after each session to improve delivery continuously.

Receiving and Utilising Feedback

Appreciate feedback as a valuable tool:

  • Respect Others’ Views: Feedback reflects personal opinions and feelings.
  • Focus on Improvement: Use feedback to move forward and address previous issues.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

CPD is essential for staying updated and improving skills:

  • Adapt to Changes: Keep current with evolving rules and regulations in presentation skills.
  • Methods of CPD: Attend seminars, use eLearning, read relevant literature, and participate in meetings.